Terms & Conditions OF USE

Any person that uses our website will need to adhere to the terms and conditions as listed here in our agreement. For those who donot agree to our terms as listed here may not use our website.

1. Copyright Infringement: Eazysale respects the intellectual property rights of others. If at any time you feel that your work has been plagiarised on eazysale’s website, we urge you to please let us know your concern by sending us a written mail to us at helpeazysale@gmail.com

2. Deleting and Modification: We reserve the right and our sole discretion, without any obligation and without any notice requirement to you, to edit or delete any documents, information or other content appearing on the Eazysale Site, including this Agreement.

3. Billing and Payment: The services at Eazysale are paid services. When you choose a service or a product you will be charged for that product or service when you sign up for it.

You can pay through NEFT, cheque, draft or cash, the refund rules will follow the policy on refund for product and services as listed on our website. All payments need to be made to Eazysale account only. If payment is made to any other account Eazysale will not be responsible.

4. Registration: As a condition to use Eazysale, the User is required to create an account with us. Eazysale.in reserves the right to refuse the registration of, or to cancel a User account at its discretion.

5. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us, our officers, our shareholders, our partners, attorneys and employees harmless from any and all liability, loss, damages, claim and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to your violation of this Agreement or use of the Site.

6. Disclaimer: The content, services, listed through the site are provided on an as-is basis. We have no liability what so ever for your use of any information or service. We are not liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages(including loss of business, money, profit) whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, product liability or otherwise even if advised of such damages. The negation of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between us and you the user. This site and the information would not be provided without such limitations. Any information or advice that one receives on the website, oral or written from us will not be taken as warrant, guarantee unless stated clearly in the agreement. All information provided on the website is for your information, it is your responsibility to evaluate the correctness and completeness of all information available on eazysale.in or any website to which it is linked.

7. Technology Issues: Eazysale.in uses licensed third-party technologies as well as free technology products. Although all attempts are made to ensure stability and uninterrupted availability of services, the company is not liable for technology failure.
Eazysale is not responsible for services, telephony and/or other fees and costs associated with an individual for access and use of the services and maintaining the same.

8. Third-Party Products and Services.

We may make available products or services from third-party websites. But you understand that we do not control these third-party websites. The third-party websites are responsible for the product or services that they offer. We are not a party to the transactions entered into between you and third-party linked websites. Under no circumstances are we liable for any damages arising from the transactions between you and third-party linked websites or for any information appearing on third-party linked websites or any other site linked to or from our site

9. Responsibility of Contributors.

By submitting content to eazysale.in, you grant eazysale a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content.

10.Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy, eazysale.in asks others to respect its intellectual property rights, as it respects the intellectual property rights of others.
All content on Eazysale website is the property of Eazysale. Unless permitted, no one may copy or reproduce in any part.
If any product or content violates your copyright you can notify eazysale.in in accordance with Eazysale’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy.

11. Product Description.
Eazysale does not warrant that the content of this Website is complete, current, or error-free and assumes no liability in this regard.

12. Contact Us. Please write to us at helpeazysale@gmail.com for any questions or comments (including all inquiries unrelated to copyright infringement) regarding this Website.

(a) The copyright of the WORK will be with the Author.

(b) The Author gives the Publisher the license to print and publish the WORK as per the agreement.

Infringement of Copyright:
(a) It is agreed that if it comes to the notice of the Publisher that the Copyright or any other rights in the WORK have been infringed, they will notify the Author who, being the owner of the Copyright, shall take any legal action they deem fit, and to control, settle or compromise as they think fit.

(b) Further, it is agreed that if the Copyright or any other rights in the Work have been infringed, they; as the owner of the Copyright, shall be solely responsible for any proceedings accruing thereof.

(c) Any profits, costs, expenses or damages that may occur because of such proceedings shall be the responsibility of the Author.


Definition: A physical book is defined as a book whose contents are printed on paper or any material having physical form, e.g. Paperback, Hardback, etc.

(a) The Publisher will decide and communicate the minimum price at which the book should be sold and the author can suggest a higher maximum retail price;

(b) For all copies sold in Eazysale Stores, the Publisher agrees to pay the Author royalties of approx. 50% of the maximum retail price (MRP) of the Work sold in India

(c) The Publisher, agrees to pay the Author royalties of approximate 10 per cent of the maximum retail price (MRP) of the Work sold in India.

(d) The Publisher will bear costs of all logistics and postage for the books required for the sale of such books. The Publisher will set up a Author dashboard wherein the author can track the sale of his book and the royalty earned.

(e) The Publisher shall print the book as per demand for the book, as intimated by its distributors for a period on either one or two years as chosen by the author, unless extended by paying a small fee.


(a) The royalty due to the Author will be paid once every three month;
(b) Thereafter, the Author will be able to view his sales on his dashboard showing the number of copies sold and the royalty earned.


The Publisher shall maintain Inventory management and keep in stock reasonable number of copies of the book to take care of the average sale demand for the book.

9. This agreement shall take effect from the day of receipt of the first instalment of the payment through DD or any other agreeable mode. The widest online distribution of the book will continue for 1 or 2 years

10. AUTHOR CREDITS – The name of the Author will appear on the book cover, on the spine and title page of the book and will appear appropriately in the case of exploitation of the work for other purposes.

11. RESERVED RIGHTS – All rights in the Work now existing or which may hereafter come into existence, except those hereby specifically granted to the Publisher are reserved to and by the Author for the Author’s use.

12. BANKRUPTCY – If the Publisher is legally adjudged bankrupt or liquidates its business, this Agreement shall be terminated effectively and all rights granted to the Publisher shall be terminated and all the rights granted to the Publisher shall automatically and immediately revert to the Author and all electronic materials related to the Work shall be provided at no charge to the Author upon request.

13. The validity of Agreement will be for 1 or 2 years from the date of signing of the Agreement. If both the Author and the Publisher find the contract mutually profiting, the contract can be renewed for a fresh term or settled and terminated. Should there be a termination, the Author is entitled to take back any unsold stock (for which he has not received royalty) from the Publisher at 55% off (without royalty) or on payment allow the Publisher to pulp the copies, since the Publisher will no longer have rights to publish or sell the copies.

All the rights granted to the Publisher shall automatically and immediately revert to the Author. Termination of this Agreement shall not deprive the Publisher of the right to receive its share of sums due from licences or contracts granted by the Publisher prior to termination nor relieve the PUBLISHER of the obligation to pay to the Author any royalties due on such sums.

14. Any dispute or disagreement arising under this Agreement, or any matter incidental thereto shall be submitted to a sole Arbitrator to be nominated by Eazysale. Such arbitration proceedings shall take place in Doda, Jammu 182147, subject to the jurisdiction of the local courts in Jammu, under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996.